Friday, June 12, 2009

Knitting in Squirrel Hill

As you may know Stacey lost the lease on the Knit One North store. We are all sorry to see the store close. It was a second home to many of us. Stacey is looking around for an alternative location to open another knitting store. Let's all hope Knit One finds another good home.

Cosy and Christine get chummy on the couch in the Squirrel Hill store.

Looks like Flo is knitting a fair isle sweater sleeve.

Vivian, Beth and Camile are knitting away.

Beth looks like she is having a good time.

Dr. Stacey posted a great article on the benefits of friendship among women. If you have not taken the time to read it, it is well worth the read: Friendship Among Women

Today's Quote

Lead me not into temptation; I can find the way myself. -Rita Mae Brown