Monday, April 16, 2007

Today was a big day at the store because we received a yarn that Carla was dying for...Tango from Universal yarns. It resembles the ruffle scarf that is made from Online yarn but it is really cooler because the shades are nore varigated and you can knit on either side of the yarn. Plus, it is less expensive than Online. Carla is knitting a ruffled pillow for the store. Stop by and check it out but give her a little time to complete it.

We are planning our next Yarn Tasting for June 11 and we will be focusing on novelty yarns. There is going to be a little twist, not literally of course, to this tasting which we are still trying to finalize. As soon as we have something definitive, we will let you know.

We now have a bin of $2.00 yarns and accessories. Stop by and check it out. I will be adding to it periodically so there will always be something new.

If there are any yarns, books, accessories that you think I am missing at the store, please let me know. I am always interested in trying something new.

We have two new classes at the store , both offered by Steven. The first one is machine knitting and the other is Knitting for Men. Steven says why should all the women have the fun.

Don't forget the Race for the Cure. Join our team Knit One and knit or crochet chemo hats. We have a bunch already completed. I am donating the yarn so stop by the store if you would like to help out.


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