Tuesday, August 21, 2007
We are so excited about our upcoming Birthday party which is September 8. We have been planning it for quite a while and will have several trunk shows including Lorna's Laces, an exciting fashion show where everyone is a winner and there will be one grand prize winner, so please enter your garment. Of course there will be cake and refreshments and a sale on novelty yarns. More important, at least from my perspective, is that you will get to chat with fellow knitters and have fun.
New subject...Linda has been working with Sharon who owns Yoga Matrika in Squirrel Hill. They have been doing yoga/knitting workshops and apparently they are a big hit. Check it out at www.yogamatrika.com.
Until next time
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
We are gearing up for our 2nd Anniversary party on September 8. There will be a fashion show with prizes for everyone participating and one grand prize. So, if you have knit up anything using yarn bought from Knit One, please think about entering. There are flyers at the store. What I waam hoping is that someone would knit a sweater for their dog so that the dog could be in the show. There will be refreshments, a sale on selected yarns, and lots of yarn to touch, feel, and oogle.
Ok, are you ready for a funny story. A young woman came in and bought some Smile yarn. The next day she returned it. That same day another woman came in and bought the same yarn that the other woman had just returned. Now, here is the funny part. This same woman came back a week later and returned the yarn and while she was returning it at the desk, another woman said she loved it and would buy it. Maybe you would have to be there to appreciate this story but I thought there was something pretty amazing about that Smile yarn. By the way, the yarn has not been returned. And, I can't wait to see the finished product. I am trying to convince that woman to wear it in the fashion show but maybe after she reads this she won't do it. If you are reading this....pleaseeeee!
Until next time
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Until next time,
Friday, July 20, 2007
They had so much fun at the store together it was a pleasure to see. Of course when I begged them to let me take their picture for the blog, one wanted to change her clothes, the other wanted to add a little makeup. I thought they looked beautiful just the way they were. How could anyone look bad with all that happiness all over their faces!
So what is new at the store. I don't know what your feelings are about machine knitting. I have never been interested in it except I have always thought it would be great to use the machine to knit sleeves. I hate knitting them because they seem tedious. One is no problem but the second seems daunting. Funny how it is not the same with socks. Maybe that's because the amount of time it takes to knit a sock is a heck of a lot shorter than the time it takes to knit a front and back of a sweater. Well, the good news is that Steven, one of our instructors, teaches knitting on a machine. Here is a picture of Steven teaching two students to knit on their Brother machine.
I hope the picture is clear enough so that you can see the machine. But Steven and his students certainly look happy and I can't wait to see the finished result.
This weekend we are donating a percentage of our sales to Annie Modesitt and her family. Her husband has a very serious illness and is very ill and in a lot of pain. They do not have health insurance. If you would like to read more about it please go to her website http://www.modeknit.com/
Until next time,
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
So, what was in those boxes? Every single color of Cascade 220 known to man I think. Colorful new sock yarn from Plymouth; Boho that looks like Noro from Plymouth; Dale of Norway, Schaeffer, and I think I should stop here and keep to my principle of less is more. But I did receive these beautiful Chinese inscribed wooden boxes containing sets of bamboo crochet hooks and needles from Chicagoo. They are new this year and would be a wonderful gift for yourself or someone special. Unfrotunately, the crochet hooks flew out the door the minute I opened the box but I still have some of the straight needles left. Why does a yarn store owner say "unfortunately?" It is because I like to savour new things that I receive. I like to look at it , touch it, stare at it, take it all in. Oh well...And last but not least, we received more yarn from Artyarns. The beaded yarns lasted for about a minute. People just gobbled them up. There are silks, mohairs in some funky colors, silk and mohair, and merino wool. Knitters are making everything from scarves to shawls to tops to socks with the yarns. I know you want to see pictures...they will be coming soon.
This is my mini update. I hope it is not too boring to read without pictures. I was just feeling guilty that I had not blogged for a while.
Until nest time...
Thursday, June 28, 2007
My second announcement is that I took the plunge and signed on to Plymouth yarn. So, for all of you who have been suffering from Encore withdrawal, your wait is over. I received 4 huge boxes of Plymouth yarn today.
The other yarn that I am thrilled about is Artyarns. I received their wool, silk, beaded silk and mohair yarns. The colors are phenomenal. The hand is luscious and you will just have to drop by and check it out. I have some fabulous patterns to go with the yarn, too. Check out www.artyarns.com. Iris Schreier is the owner and she has written the new book Lacy Little Knits and the modular knits book. In fact, she is planning to come to Knit One in the Fall. I wish I could tell you the date now but her publisher is organizing the tour.
If you are one of those unfortunate knitters who don't receive Carla's newsletter, don't forget to sign up on this site. I have received rave reviews about it because it is so well written, informative, and the photos are picture perfect. Kudos to Carla!
Until next time
Monday, June 18, 2007
Until later,
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
So....I have to do inventory this year. I was supposed to do it last year but oops...I was having too much fun in the store and doing inventory seemed like such a tedious thing to do. Big Mistake! My accountant has been mad with me ever since because she says you have to do inventory to find out if you are making a profit or loss and to apply the correct figures to your income tax. So, the thought of counting every single skein of yarn semed too daunting. The lightbulb goes off in my head and I thought what can make the job less stressful? Less yarn of course. I think you have the picture. The other incentive was that I was going to the Trade Show in Columbus and I thought well, with more shelf space more yarn to buy, like the new yarn made from corn. Great for socks. And, of course I would not accept deliveries until after the inventory was completed. So, I hope you will be there early and stay late. I can guarantee that you will get terrific bargains like Lorna's Laces, Colinette, Fiesta, Noro, Mountain Colours, Alchemy, Rowan...etc.
This pattern will be available later. The top is very cute too. I hope you can enlarge it on your computer.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
It looks like this Fall is going to be big on color and the hot item is socks and more socks.
I have another picture which I would like to add to the blog, but my computer keeps freezing. I can't mess with it much longer because the final episode of Law and Order: SVU is on and I am a L&A addict so I will try one more time and if the picture does not upload, I will call it a night. Oh well, something is wrong ...will try again tomorrow.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
So, in preparation for my visit to Columbus, Ohio where the show is held, I thought I would get in the mood by designing my own little ensemble. I use the word ensemble loosely because it is just one piece...a sweater. But, I wrote my pattern, added little embellishments, and voila it is almost completed. I have one more sleeve and the collar to complete. Then, of course as we all know, the hardest part is next...sewing it together. If I could tell you or even show you all the sweaters that are in pieces waiting for me to seam them up. It is very sad but yet I reconcile it by telling myself that the process of knitting, of creating, is as gratifying to me as seeing and wearing the finished product. It is like going on a vacation. The planning can be as much fun as the trip itself. Well, maybe not as much fun but certainly it adds to the whole gestaldt. So, here is my uncompleted sweater. I am giving myself a deadline, Sunday night, as to when it has to be finished. I have so many other projects I am waiting to do. I am just saying that. I have so many projects on needles waiting for me to work on. Above is the sleeve. Below is one side of the front of the cardigan. I knit various stitches so blocking is going to be essential. After this little "show and tell" I feel much more motivated to complete it. At least I hope so!
Sunday, May 13, 2007
This is what the table looked like at Knit One with many of the chemo caps displayed.
Here we are at the Race with the chemo caps hanging on display at the gazebo.
Meet our famous knitter/instructor/professional clown Steven who gained notoriety from his meeting with the Yarn Harlot. He was there entertaining young and old.
We went to a friend's house for lunch after the race. She made this fabulous strawberry cake. It was made from Twinkies, strawberries and cool whip. It was a chemist's delight.
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Check this out. Our own Linda P made this shawl from Sea Silk...a yarn from Hand Maiden. It is 70% silk and 30% sea cell which is a type of algae that comes form the ocean. Some say it has medicinal benefits. I think the benefits come from knitting with this yarn-so smooth and luscious. Linda taught a class on how to make this.
Here are my favorite scarf and shawl pins from Moving Mud. This company is a two person husband and wife team who make remarkably colorful fused glass ins, buttons and belt buckles.
This vest/scarf is called the tuxedo scarf and it comes from a book called Special Little Knits for One Skein Wonders. It is so simple to make and yet the effect is really cool. The best way to wear it is over a white shirt and you can use any kind of yarn but I think a boucle works best. I made mine from my favorite, Tanglewood. Or I should say my favorite at the moment, but I have seen it knit up with every kind of yarn imaginable.
I hope I have not bored you with my showing and telling. I just thought you might be interested in some of the things that give me pleasure so that maybe they will give you pleasure too.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
These photos do not do these sheep justice. You really miss out on seeing their personality.
Monday, May 07, 2007
What did I enjoy most about the festival? That is a hard one but the thing that first comes to mind is the community of knitters and crocheters that I felt akin to and connected. I think the second thing I enjoyed and in part because it was so novel, was watching the judging of the sheep. For those of you who have not seen this before, it is like watching a dog show but with sheep. The major impediment for me was that I could not hear a thing because the sheep were all baa-ing. I was really interested in hearing a description of the sheep, how they were judged, etc. but what can I say- sheep got to baa. However, I did meet up with really beautiful sheep in the barns, watched them being sheared, and learned a little about their historys.
I saw, felt, enjoyed some beautiful yarn, too. I loved the yarn from Brooks Farm. Too bad they don't sell it wholesale. I as always was mesmorized by the beautiful colorways and textures from Autumn House. I bought organic cotton from a distributor out of England-name escapes me. There were soooo many vendors and so much to exprience that it was a little overwhelming. Also, I saw many people that I knew from my store which was really fun. I could see that needle felting is very popular so I bought some pencil roving which I will try out. I have never really enjoyed using needles to felt with because they are a little hard on the hand but I think I am going to give it another shot. And, finally I have to say that while there I was having fantasies about becoming a spinner. I saw the most gorgeous wheels there-they were like works of art. I watched the spinners for a long time because there is something so melodious in what they do. It was relaxing to watch them.
Now for my complaints. First, bring your own food. I could not tell you if the food was good or bad because I refused to wait in a line that was over 45 minutes long and most of them were. Second, I had to opt for kettle korn as my appetizer and it was not quite up to snuff. I did enjoy a soft serve as my entree though. Second, do not drink too much liquid because the lines for the indoor bathrooms were huge. I have never been a fan of outhouses because when I was 7 years old I went to use one and I sat on a caterpillar. I am now scarred for life. Third, be prepared to allow plenty of time to park your car. I was told that some people waited for nearly 90 minutes before they got into the parking lot. The lines were huge.
With all that said, I had a blast! I will add my pictures later. I can't wait to show you the world's longest knitting needles. Until then...
Sunday, April 29, 2007
I DID IT!!! I am so excited.
Saturday, April 28, 2007
What is new at the store. First, we received more Fiber Artist silk(70%)camel(30%) yarn today. The colors are awesome. We have them lying on a table and it looks like an artist's palette of a collage of mesmerizing watercolors. Am I getting too poetic here? In any case, please come view and see for yourself.
Oh, I am so excited. I finally after being on a waiting list for months and months, received my new heavy, heavy duty ball winder. It is really a work of art. It is solid wood and steel. I can wind anything on this baby.
We recived some really interesting books. One book, Special Little Knits from just One Skein,has this really cool tuxedo scarf pattern in it. I showed it to my Shetland wool groupies, my lace knitters, and my Nordic sweater makers, and they thought it was too cool. What it looks like, and by the way I am knitting one for the store, is a scarf that goes around your neck on both sides and it has buttons that makes it look like you are wearing a tuxedo. This is a poor description and once I get it finished I will put it on the website for all to see. I finally got a new camera and hopefully I will be able to put photos on the website. If not, I will ask my 5 year old neighbor to show me how.
Monday, April 16, 2007
We are planning our next Yarn Tasting for June 11 and we will be focusing on novelty yarns. There is going to be a little twist, not literally of course, to this tasting which we are still trying to finalize. As soon as we have something definitive, we will let you know.
We now have a bin of $2.00 yarns and accessories. Stop by and check it out. I will be adding to it periodically so there will always be something new.
If there are any yarns, books, accessories that you think I am missing at the store, please let me know. I am always interested in trying something new.
We have two new classes at the store , both offered by Steven. The first one is machine knitting and the other is Knitting for Men. Steven says why should all the women have the fun.
Don't forget the Race for the Cure. Join our team Knit One and knit or crochet chemo hats. We have a bunch already completed. I am donating the yarn so stop by the store if you would like to help out.
Friday, April 13, 2007
A customer came in today and said, "I don't read your blog because you never write except for maybe once a month." I said "when was the last time you checked?" She said "oh, about a month ago." I know that I have finally got the mesage. To be a true blogger you have to blog at least 3 times per week (I made up that number). She said she would check me out again so if you are reading this, "I told you so!"
So what new yarn have I received today. Beautiful Giotto yarn from Colinette. The colors are luscious. Also, I received felted scarf kits from Skacel. They are dynamite. Basically you cut out your scarf design from already felted varigated yarn. It sounds weird and somewhat uninteresting, but when I saw them at the knitting trade show in January, my heart went pitter patter which is a sign to myself that I have to have it in my store. Unfortunately, it took 3 months to arrive but I suppose it is because it is such a new, hot item. It is called Artfelt and you can view it at www.skacelknitting.com. I am going to ask Carla to make a sample this weekend. Carla can do anything!
Until next time,
Thursday, April 12, 2007
So what am I knitting up? I decided to try my hand at designing a sweater. One of our Tuesday groupies Camille knit the most gorgeous cotton sweater which she created herself. She had such fun doing it I thought why not. I have to say I love my creation so far. I finished the back and am beginning the front. I feel like I am painting a sweater. I am using Rowan handknit cotton in blue, green, mauve and it has a sherbert look to it. I really adore the colors that cottons come in...they have a dreamy sort of look to them.
I hope everyone is going to join us at the Susan Komen Race for the Cure on Mother's Day. We have our own Team Knit One and all you have to do is go to the Komen website and sign up to be on our team. We are going to be stationed next to Brueger Bagels with a huge banner. We will be knitting chemo hats and giving them to whoever would like one. We have already knit a bunch. I owe this fabulous project to dear Flo who has organized this event.
I am trying to think of a cute ending to each of my threads. I really hate the one where I said "until we meet again." If you have a better one or really any one, let me know.
See ya
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Today is an exciting day at the store. We are having our first ever dye class and Carla and I are raring to go. Yesterday, we performed our trial runs which was so much fun that several customers in the store begged to be allowed to take the workshop. We put their names on our list for the next workshop because we already have our quota of students. In any case, be prepared to see some really wild dyed yarns at the store. What is really cool is that if you have stash yarn which you are sick of looking at you can redye them.
The other big news is that FINALLY I received my Tanglewood yarns...not all of them but half of my order. They are to die for not only in terms of the colors, textures, designs but (gulp), the price. I think as do several of my customers who grabbed them up, they are worth it. Here we go for a little name dropping and showmanship. When I was at the trade show who appears at the Tanglewood booth but Sally Mellville. She buys skeins and skeins of this yarn, especially in one particular color. When she leaves I say to Trish the owner, I have got to have exactly what Sally Mellville bought. Oh my, the yarn is wall hanging worthy. Please come to the store and just admire, touch, swoon if you like...you don't have to buy. Trish is a little nutty. Before you can purchase her yarn you have to be "shop worthy." So, I had to send her a picture of my store and tell her about me, which of course as you can see I have no trouble doing, and then she will decide if you are shop worthy for her precious yarn. It sounds elitist I know, self serving, narcissistic, and any other arrogant adjective you can think of, but I rationalized it by saying she is an artist and is very self protective. By the way it took me 4 months to receive only half of the yarn I ordered. And, only 3 stores in the country along with Tracy Uhlmann (the yarn is used in her book) have this yarn. So come by and see it for yourself.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
I don't mean to applaud myself for my recent purchases, but I just received the most gorgeous yarns from Alchemy and Sauveterre. My heart went pitter patter when I first laid eyes on the stunning colors of Alchemy and the touch and feel of Sauveterre. I have to tell you that these yarns are pricey and probably one skein costs as much as 2 tickets to the Lowes theatre and a large popcorn and soda. But, it lasts longer, is not fattening, and you can enjoy it a lot longer than a few laughs or sighs during a movie. Alchemy has this bamboo that holds color beautifully. And Sauveterre's Italian cashmere is so self indulgent and smooth. You just have to come by and look and feel.
So, after indulging myself with these yarns, I used a psychological defense known as rationalization to allow myself to feel better about my expensive self indulgence. I came to the conclusion that knitting is not fattening nor dangerous to my physical health. In fact, it is so relaxing and soothing. I think it is better than a hot bath because the worst thing about a hot bath is that you have to get out of the water and be cold for a moment. With knitting, it can go on and on and there is no difficulties with the exit or reentry process. I hear people saying all the time that they are addicted to knitting like there is something wrong with that. I am addicted to breathing. Is there something wrong with that? Enough said.
The other yarn that I received (like it was a present) was the new Twinkle yarns from Classic Elite. The pattern book looks like a hardback Vogue magazine. The models are stunning, the clothes "to die for." but I have to admit that these patterns are not for everyone. Some of the patterns are a little avant-garde but most are very sophisticated and artistically designed. And the yarns are yummy with the luscious mohair costing under $6.50 for like 300 yards. You just have to see and touch it.
I can see that blogging is not so easy because you have to know when to stop. I have this awful habit of leaving extended messages to people on their answer machines as if I were having a conversation with them. No one interrupts or makes any comment at all, at least until the machine cuts me off. I am now wondering if I only have a limited amount of space for each blog and the screen will cut me off. Don't worry, I am not going to find out...at least not this time.
Until we meet again,